Friday, December 25, 2015
December 25th, 2015
Merry Christmas! Hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating our Savior's birth with your family! May God bless you all! :)
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Don't Forget!: A Christmas Poem
Can you believe that it's ALMOST CHRISTMAS?!?!? *squeals in excitement* As my favorite season, I've been looking forward to it for a loonnngg time.
Here's a poem I wrote in honor of the very special occasion that happened over 2000 years ago in a little town called Bethlehem:
Don't Forget!
Written by Rebekah Eddy
Christmas green and Christmas red,
Of present piles beneath the bed.
Lots of secrets to be kept,
Lots of things that we expect.
Songs being sung around the house,
No one quiet as a mouse.
All the hopes are running high
As we watch the days go by.
Our schedules fill with busy things
That every Christmas season brings
Early to bed and early to rise
Baking cookies, baking pies.
No time at all to take a break,
There’s just too much for us to make!
On that dark night so long ago.
Yes, saved us all from certain woe.
As a baby, yet a king
And His birth made heaven sing.
Deep down inside His little heart
He knew why He came from the start.
As His parents watched Him grow,
He knew both would also know
His mission while He lived on earth:
To teach about a second birth
And offer us the only way
To see His heavenly face one day.
As He gave up His precious life
To save us from a world of strife.
The best gift that one can give:
His own life so we can live.
Here's a poem I wrote in honor of the very special occasion that happened over 2000 years ago in a little town called Bethlehem:
Don't Forget!
Written by Rebekah Eddy
As this season comes around
We think of snow upon the ground,Christmas green and Christmas red,
Of present piles beneath the bed.
Lots of secrets to be kept,
Lots of things that we expect.
Songs being sung around the house,
No one quiet as a mouse.
All the hopes are running high
As we watch the days go by.
Our schedules fill with busy things
That every Christmas season brings
Early to bed and early to rise
Baking cookies, baking pies.
No time at all to take a break,
There’s just too much for us to make!
So often when Christmas arrives,
We forget the One that saved our livesOn that dark night so long ago.
Yes, saved us all from certain woe.
As a baby, yet a king
And His birth made heaven sing.
Deep down inside His little heart
He knew why He came from the start.
As His parents watched Him grow,
He knew both would also know
His mission while He lived on earth:
To teach about a second birth
And offer us the only way
To see His heavenly face one day.
So while we celebrate this year,
Remember all those bloody tearsAs He gave up His precious life
To save us from a world of strife.
The best gift that one can give:
His own life so we can live.
Merry Christmas!
~Rebekah Eddy
Monday, December 14, 2015
God Is There: A Song
As a part of "The Twelve Days (before) Christmas", something a few of us bloggers are doing, I decided to post this song I wrote. It's not super Christmassy (is that even a word?) but I thought it went pretty well with the season...
What do you think?
(Tell me AFTER you read the lyrics to the song. ;P)
God Is There:
Written by Rebekah Eddy
you’re alone
no one nearAnd silence is all that you hear,
When you’re undone
And know that you’re wrong
You find that He’s been there all along!
when you pray
Him your fearsHe’s there and He always hears.
He’ll take your load
Far, far away
And turn all your dark nights into day!
give you joy
of griefYour doubts will turn into belief.
Give him your heart,
Turn from your sin:
Your new life with God can now begin!
when He comes
take us homeWhere there are no sighs or groans
We’ll live with Him
And all His glory we will see!
No matter what you’ve done.
Humans sin
We can’t win
That’s why He sent His Son.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
HELP! I've Been Tagged!
A couple weeks ago I was nominated by Lydia S. for this bedtime book tag. Sorry for taking so long to actually do it. Sometimes it takes me a while to find time in my schedule to post. I'm sure y'all have run into the same things. Especially around Christmastime.Well, anyways, long post short, here are the questions...along with the answers...and then instead of nominating new people to do the tag, I thought I'd just invite ALL of you (who haven't gotten nominated, or don't mind doing it again) to do it if you want to.
The Questions:
1. A book that kept you up all night.
Hmm...since I sleep in the same room as my older sisters, I can't really get away with reading a book past, like, 11:30 (pm). So I don't think a book has ever kept me up past that. I've gotten in trouble with my sisters for not turning my reading light off a couple times for especially interesting books...but I can't remember all the titles. I know "A Tangled Thread" by Baroness Orczy was one of them though.
2. A book that made you scared to sleep.
Actually, I do have a book for this one that I remember clearly. I finished the book "Under the Sign of the Sugared Plum" right before going to bed. THAT WAS A BAD IDEA. Warning: NEVER read that book before going to sleep!! It's a historical fiction book about two sister's living in London during the bubonic plague. Don't get me wrong, it was a really good book, and I think the author did a phenomenal job writing it...but it was meant to be read during the day. Otherwise you get dreams about everyone getting the bubonic plague and dying. Yeah...
3. A book that made you go to sleep.
I can't remember the title, but I know I almost fell asleep while reading one book by George MacDonald. I also almost fell asleep during some of the more boring sections of Innocents Abroad but that only happened once.
4. A book that left you tossing and turning all night in anticipation of it's release.
I don't think this has ever happened...I usually don't have trouble sleeping. I have gotten excited over books being released, but they've never kept me up all night.
5. A book that has your favorite boy/girlfriend relationship.
I really like the relationship between Anne (of Green Gables) and least, AFTER they get married. ;) I also like all the relationships that I create in my own books...but then, I'm a LITTLE bias. B-)
6. A book that would be your worst nightmare to live in.
Any of the Left Behind books. Thankfully, I'll be one of the ones safe in heaven when all that stuff happens!
7. A book that reminds you of night time.
None come to mind at this moment...
8. A book that had a nightmarish cliffhanger.
Ahhh! Why can't I remember the titles!!! Argh. I hate it when you have a book plot in your mind that would answer a question perfectly and then you can't remember the title. Bother. That's going to keep me up tonight.
(actually, it probably won't...)
9. A book you actually dreamed about.
I've had nightmares from books...but I usually only dream nice dreams about my own characters because I have to have faces of people in my head to dream about them. And I do for my own characters. I wish I could videotape some of my dreams and re-play them for you all, because they're usually very entertaining. ;)
10. A book monster you wouldn't want to find under your bed.
I'm doing the same answer as Lydia here, because it was 1) a good answer, and 2) something I REALLY wouldn't want to find under my bed: Nazgul from Lord of the Rings.
Yeah....they're creepy. What else can I say? I mean, would YOU want to find one of these guys under YOU'RE bed? Even their horses are creepy! I didn't think it was possible to have a creepy horse...but they pulled it off.
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