Saturday, March 15, 2014

Q&A with Rebekah: Session #1

Yes, this means there are more than one session, yes I realize y'all probably know all the answers already...just thought it would be fun! :)
WARNING: There may be more than one answer to some of these questions!
(knowing me, you probably realized that... :P)

Random photo I took when on a hike. :)

Ok, so here it goes:
What is my favorite:

1: Season?
2: Color?
3: Footwear?
4: Animal?
5: Pastime?
6: Car brand?
7: Movie?
8: Dessert?
9: Meal?
10: Instrument?

Who is my favorite:

1: Bible Character?
2: Author?
3: Singer?
4: Composer?

Who do I look up to the most?


1 comment:

  1. A friend (and follower of my blog) approached me yesterday and asked whether or not y'all were supposed to comment your answers or just think them.
    Here's the answer to that question: Whichever you feel most comfortable doing. Feel free to comment answers, or just think them and then NEXT WEEK comment something like "oh, I got that one right" and "I didn't think THAT would be the answer!". :P
    Hope that solves the confusion. :)


I LOVE COMMENTS. But be warned, if your comment is impolite, contains swear words, or is disrespectful of God, I will kill it. Just kidding. ;)
(Seriously WILL DIE.)

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