Monday, February 23, 2015

The Best Things in Life Are Free

How many times have you thanked God for water?

I found this poem to be very encouraging, and I thought I'd pass it on to share the encouragement. :)
So here you go:

The Best Things in Life Are Free:
Written by Emily Matthews
When we count our many blessings,
It isn't hard to see
That life's most valued treasures
are the treasures that are free.
For it isn't what we own or buy
That signifies our wealth,
It's the special gifts that have no price-
Our family, friends, and health.
Isn't that so true? Remember to thank God for what you have, and not continually be whining to Him for more, more, more. I constantly have to remind myself to stop asking for things all the time and instead focus on being grateful for all the stuff I usually take for granted.
For example, how recently have you thanked God for:
Water? Electricity? Your Family? Food? Your Car? Good Health Care? A Clean Home to Live in?
Take some time to thank Him now for all He's done.
God Bless!



  1. I do often thank God for good, clean, fresh water that we can even drink right out of the faucet, which is a blessing that most of the world does not have. But there are so many other "free" things that we just take for granted. It is good to stop and count your everyday blessings which for most of us are many.

  2. What a good reminder, Rebekah. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks for sharing, Rebekah. This was really good. :) I loved the title, especially since everyone's always talking about "There's no such thing as "Free"." Yes, there is. Look around you! God's given us so many things for FREE! :D
    Loved the post. Keep writing!

  4. You are all very welcome! Thank you for the comments!


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(Seriously WILL DIE.)

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