Thursday, July 7, 2016

Purposeful Pages Link-Up


Super excited to join the throng of awesome people doing this link-up. ;) It looked like so much fun, I just couldn't pass it up! So glad Hannah and Amanda decided to take the initiative to start it!! (You should totally check out their AMAZING blogs!!)

What verse and chapter of the Bible inspired you the most this past month, and why?
Image result for psalm 25:4-5
Ooo...good question. :) I'm going to go with Psalm 25: 4-5. Especially since I graduated last month, these two verses (^^^) have sort of become my life prayer. I also really like Job 39:19-25...but that's for an entirely different reason. ;)

What’s a book (fiction or nonfiction) that you read or continued reading this past month that reminded you of an important truth?
I've been reading the Blades of Acktar series by Tricia Mingerink, and so far they have taught me a lot and had me thinking deeply about some questions that every Christian deals with at some point in their life. Is God really worth dying for? Can we be strong enough to obey Him when faced with persecution? Is He faithful to His promises? She does a wonderful job answering each of those questions in her books, and I love them all! (So go read them people!! ;)
Do you have any goals for yourself this month? If so, what are they?
Well, since I joined Camp NaNo (EEP!!) I set myself a goal of writing 20,000 words this month, and currently I'm at I may up that number. My book is at a point right now where I'm not having a ton of difficulty writing at least 2k each day...sometimes more on weekends. ;) I hope to finish writing "The Princess & I" this month...but we'll have to see. B-)
Have you discovered anything new or changed your blog around this past month?
Not really. I'll probably up it to something a little more professional looking come end of August...but for now, I like it just the way it is. I may have changed my profile picture...but I can't remember if that was this month or last month. The days are running together. ;)
What is your favorite blog post that you wrote in June?
Millions That Will Never, a poem about all the evils of Abortion. One of the few times a poem I've written actually made me cry while writing it.
Can you share one quotable thing from your novel/book (if applicable) that you recently wrote?
Oh boy. *goes to book and tries to find something quotable*

"Well," I smiled... "I'm not like anyone." (Megan)

"What are we waiting for?... Let's go put our lives in danger. It will be so fun!" (Steven)

I realized I almost felt safe hanging over a pit, a few feet from death, and the only thing keeping me there was a thin rope. But God was in control. And I felt peace. (Megan)

"Kidnapping is an ugly term. I prefer 'borrowing for political reasons'." ("the villain's sidekick"...I can't give you his name or I'd give you a MAJOR plot spoiler)
What biblical character would you get along with the most, and why?
Goodness. Hard question! I act too much like Peter to get along with him, and Paul is kind of the same problem. Luke is pretty awesome...and I would love to help him with his physician jobs. Andrew is always underrated, but if he had to get along with Peter all his life, we'd probably get along just fine. :) I also like Martha (sister of Mary-who-sat-at-Jesus'-feet-instead-of-helping) and Ruth (even though she really shouldn't have listened to EVERYTHING Naomi told her) and Ester (wish I could be that brave, don't you?) and Deborah. I can't wait to meet them all in heaven! :D
Favorite new word unearthed from the dictionary?
Image result for mephobiaImage result for floccinaucinihilipilification

In the blogging world, what’s one thing you have learned about yourself?
I'm WAY more extraverted online then I am in real life. Just trust me on that one.

Also, I have a scary fascination for lots of emoticons, selfies, and CAPS.
What fictional character would you spend the day with, and what would you do?
ONE?!?!!? Are you crazy? How could I choose ONE???


*another sigh*

Maybe Brandi (from Dare, Deny, and Defy) would be willing to come hang out with me and some horses.

Or Breandan Mornelly (from 1-6 The Mornelly's) could come and rescue me from something...or just talk and explore and drink coffee.

Or Eira (from The Silent Blade) could teach me the art of swordsmanship...THAT WOULD BE EPICALLY AWESOME!

The list could go on. And on, and on, and on.

But I'll stop here.

Now you all go and join the link up! :) And while you're at it, drop by Amanda and Hannah's blogs and say hello for me! ;)


  1. Oh yay, you did it! Thank you so much! Your answers were so awesome. ;) And those dictionary words made me laugh...XD

    1. You're very welcome! I had so much fun answering your questions! :) ikr? I had fun discovering them. ;)

  2. OH MY WORD THAT ONE WORD THOUGH. *dies laughing* XD

  3. Fun link-up! Those words...*snickers* :D

    1. JOIN US FAITH!!! (you know you want too... ;)
      Aren't they awesome!! I love them both. I think I might have a serious case of mephobia...what do you think? :P

  4. This was fun to read through. :)
    Haha, yeah, you are more extroverted online. ;) I believe a lot of people I know are... maybe it's less intimidating then face to face?
    Oh, those words! I need to do some serious dictionary searching now!
    I hate those kind of "one person" questions. Like, seriously? You expect me to chose one person out of all the amazing book people there are? *sighs* I love the ones you chose, though. ;)

    1. You would know...since you've met me in person. B-)
      They are so cool! I almost died laughing when I found the first one. It's now one of my favorite words. XD
      ikr? I thought you might. B-)


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(Seriously WILL DIE.)

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