Sunday, May 13, 2018

MY POETRY COLLECTION IS RELEASING TODAY!!!! *insert incoherant squealing noises*

Yes, you read that correctly, my poetry book releases TODAY!!! This is a new experience for me in several ways:
1) Because it's the first time I've ever released a poetry collection
2) Because it's also the first time I've done a book in this style (namely: spiral bound) and
3) Because this is the first book I've done with not two but THREE different cover styles. O.o 

So, that said, there are a couple things you all should know about this unique release.
First, because of the style I chose to do, it can ONLY be purchased through Lulu...which kind of sucks because that makes it a little more complicated for you guys to buy it. ALSO, it means I really need your help in spreading the word about it's release.
If any of you are interested in sharing the links (I'll leave them at the bottom of the post) on ANY social media of ANY kind, I am willing to give you a couple really cool things. (Yes, I have resorted to bribery. XD)
You will get:
2 "The Princess and I" bookmarks
1 poem of your choice from the collection FOR FREE (and signed if you want)
1 card from me telling you what a nice person you were for helping me out ;P
1 shout out in a future blog post (if enough of you are willing to help)
Sound interesting? PLEASE let me know via e-mail or comment if you want to help spread the word. Again, I don't care which program you use to share (think: Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, blog post, Facebook, Goodreads...WHATEVER WORKS BEST FOR YOU)!
Here's a little bit more about the book to peak your interest. ;)

~ The Summery ~
And MAN did I have a tough time writing this.
This first collection of poetry by the author of "The Princess and I" and "Sleeping Handsome" was written over a period of thirteen years. Rebekah Eddy's first poem she ever wrote, "The Duck Pond", was penned when she was only six years old. The other poems were written between her fifteenth and nineteenth years of life.
The poems within this small volume cover a wide variety of topics that include Christmas and Easter traditions, everyday thoughts on life, and even some more humorous and fun poems at the end.
She created this book in a style with the hopes that you, as the reader, can fill in the spaces with your own illustrations and have fun doodling your own creative ideas into the spaces between her poems.

~ The Cover(s) ~


And finally....
~ The Links! ~
If you buy my book today or tomorrow, you could Save 10% on orders of print products, plus free mail or 50% off ground shipping
Use Code: BOOKSHIP18
Can't wait to hear what you think of my poetry!!! :D
Until next time, let everything you do be done for the glory of God!


  1. OH HOW COOL REBEKAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm totally up for helping out with spreading the word! This is so exciting!

  3. How awesome!!! I just ordered my copy! And I'd love to help spread the word!

    1. :O Thank you so much! That's amazing! Do I have your email?

    2. You should: I've done cover reveals for you in the past.

      Here it is again, so you don't have to go looking:

    3. Oh, ok. Thank you! I'll try to get that email to you by the end of this week! :)

    4. I just came back to check for replies, and I just realized that I gave you my blog instead!

      My email is:

      Sorry, haha!

  4. Ahhh, congrats on the release, Rebekah!! :D


I LOVE COMMENTS. But be warned, if your comment is impolite, contains swear words, or is disrespectful of God, I will kill it. Just kidding. ;)
(Seriously WILL DIE.)

Blog Tour for Project Canvas!! *cue intense celebration*

GUYS, I couldn't be more excited to share about this incredible book that is going to be available for you to get your hands on in just ...