Monday, June 3, 2013

'Tis the Season for: The BIBLE BEE!!!! :D

Oh yeah! Bible Bee season is FINALLY here!!! I get to be a senior this year, so I'm super excited. In case there's people reading my blog who don't know what the Bible Bee is, (though it really is a shame), I'll clue you in. The Bible Bee is a program designed to help you memorise a certain amount of verses during the summer, as well as study the Bible daily with the assistance from a "Sword Study", the Bible Bee ends with a local competition at your hostess church, and if you place in the top 100 participants you may get to go to Nationals which is being held in Tennessee this year. Our family has been doing this Bible Bee ever since it started, at least three years ago. It has helped me memorise verses regularly, as well as spend more time in God's Word. I hope to see a lot of people be blessed as I have through this Bible Bee, and I also hope to get to go to Nationals, but I may be up against a tough crowd, now that I'm a senior... :)
Maybe someone who reads my blog may say "hey, let's check this out," so I'll include their web page, just in case. Here it is:
So, I hope you find this helpful as I did and do...(or not. :P )
Got to go!

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