Saturday, August 10, 2013

Summer Singing Camp

This summer a few of my siblings and I did a summer singing camp. It was Monday through Thursday for two weeks. We learned four songs, and preformed them on August eighth, the last day of our camp. 
Singing "Benedicamus Domine", a Latin song in the Soprano Section
Getting my certificate from Mrs. Read.

It was not only a awesome experience, learning from an amazing teacher, but also a lot of fun! Our teacher, Mrs. Read, was truly outstanding. She was able to keep the attention of her class from the teenagers all the way down to the four-year-olds, and kept us laughing with outlandish examples of what not to do. We learned among many other things, how to breathe properly, how to articulate so that people can understand the words you say, how to stand and sit with good posture, and how to change keys in the middle of a song accurately. At the end of our camp, I was sorry to leave all my new friends, but also kind of glad to be able to sleep in past 6:30 again! :P Anyways, this post is just a quick one, because if I took time to tell you all that I learned in detail, it would take up a lot of space. So I'd better go before I get even more carried away. :) See Y'all Later!


  1. Lovely post, Rebekah! (nice emoticons...hope it doesn't bother Sarah too much. :P ;)

    1. Oh...and I LOVE your new font!!!! :D

    2. Thanks! I'm glad you can finally comment properly. I love my font too!! :)-(: and my emoticons :).

  2. Replies
    1. Is it really that bad, Sarah?? :(

    2. No. But since Madi said something about it...I thought I would react so as not to disappoint.

  3. Right. It's all clear now.


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(Seriously WILL DIE.)

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