Monday, September 7, 2015

Exciting News!!!

This may not be news to some of you, but I have officially self-published my very first book!!!
"The Silver Flower" is now available to you all! Go to my own personal webpage by clicking on the title of my book.
I am absolutely thrilled with how my book has turned out! And I have so many, many people to thank for helping it get published.

1. Of course, I thank my Savior. Without him, nothing would have happened.
2. My parents. They encouraged me so much in all my writing endeavors, and cheered me on as I wrote and edited. Mom, thank you especially for reading through my proof copy and giving my advice on it.
3. My oldest sister, Sarah, spent hours editing my book. I really don't know what I would have done without her help.
4. My younger siblings. They were always willing to listen to me read my book aloud, begging for more whenever I paused, and giving my tons of encouragement by saying how much they loved my story.
5. Mrs. Miller. I gave her a copy of my book and asked her to read it and tell me what she thought, but she took my request far beyond what I first intended and also edited it.
6. All my other friends who gave me their advice and encouragement. There are too many of you to name!
7. And last, but certainly not least, those of you who have read my book over on my story blog and given me advice about it and more original ideas.

Thanks to you all so, so, SO much! I could never have done this without you!


  1. This is so exciting! And I absolutely LOVE the cover!
    Nothing can quite compare to holding your own book in your hands, can it?
    I'm anxiously awaiting your other book! :D

    1. It's coming...slow and steady. I'm just waiting for the final "go-ahead" from Mom and Sarah before letting it out in the public!! I'm super excited for it too, and I'll give you all the cover as soon as possible. :)

  2. Congratulations, Rebekah! That is very exciting! Seeing your name on the front of a printed book just sends a thrill through you that nothing else can quite do. :)

    1. That is SO true! I'm enjoying it very much indeed! :)

  3. Wow! How exciting. Congratulations, Rebekah!!! :-)

  4. This is so exciting!! Congratulations :)

  5. So, I didn't comment when I first say this, but as soon as I saw it, I ordered the book and read it. Super job! I loved it! (btw, I left a review on Lulu ;-))


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(Seriously WILL DIE.)

Blog Tour for Project Canvas!! *cue intense celebration*

GUYS, I couldn't be more excited to share about this incredible book that is going to be available for you to get your hands on in just ...