Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Don't Forget!: A Christmas Poem

Can you believe that it's ALMOST CHRISTMAS?!?!? *squeals in excitement* As my favorite season, I've been looking forward to it for a loonnngg time.
Here's a poem I wrote in honor of the very special occasion that happened over 2000 years ago in a little town called Bethlehem:

Don't Forget!
Written by Rebekah Eddy

As this season comes around
We think of snow upon the ground,
Christmas green and Christmas red,
Of present piles beneath the bed.
Lots of secrets to be kept,
Lots of things that we expect.
Songs being sung around the house,
No one quiet as a mouse.
All the hopes are running high
As we watch the days go by.
Our schedules fill with busy things
That every Christmas season brings
Early to bed and early to rise
Baking cookies, baking pies.
No time at all to take a break,
There’s just too much for us to make!

So often when Christmas arrives,
We forget the One that saved our lives
On that dark night so long ago.
Yes, saved us all from certain woe.
As a baby, yet a king
And His birth made heaven sing.
Deep down inside His little heart
He knew why He came from the start.
As His parents watched Him grow,
He knew both would also know
His mission while He lived on earth:
To teach about a second birth
And offer us the only way
To see His heavenly face one day.

So while we celebrate this year,
Remember all those bloody tears
As He gave up His precious life
To save us from a world of strife.
The best gift that one can give:
His own life so we can live.


Merry Christmas!

~Rebekah Eddy


  1. Wow, wow, wow. That is so beautiful. Moving, thought-provoking, inspiring, encouraging, up-lifting...all those and more! :) You've seriously got a talent with words, Rebekah.
    Thank you for sharing this beautiful written work!

    1. You are so welcome. I really enjoyed writing it. B-) I'm always blessed to be able to bless others. :)

  2. Wow. That was really, really good! I enjoyed it immensely! It really made you think and the 2nd stanza was definitely my favorite.
    I agree with Faith, you really have a talent with words! Awesome Job!

  3. Great job! I'm no judge of poetry, but I thought it was very well written! A belated Merry Christmas to you as well.

    1. It's probably good that you're not a judge of poetry because...well, let's just say that my poetry is NOT the best. ;) Thanks for liking it. :)


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