Friday, June 10, 2016

Choices, Choices...

You guys are making this monthly book review idea really difficult. ;) There's currently a three-way tie on which book you want me to review, so I'm going to eliminate the other books, put up those three and do a re-vote. This time, you're only getting three days to vote, so hurry over and put in your choice!


  1. Wait what none of those are the one I picked. *cries* XD Oh well I SHALL REVOTE.

    1. Which was the one you picked? Now I'm curious...


I LOVE COMMENTS. But be warned, if your comment is impolite, contains swear words, or is disrespectful of God, I will kill it. Just kidding. ;)
(Seriously WILL DIE.)

Blog Tour for Project Canvas!! *cue intense celebration*

GUYS, I couldn't be more excited to share about this incredible book that is going to be available for you to get your hands on in just ...