Monday, February 6, 2017

My First EVER Cover Reveal Sign-Up

 This is the VERY FIRST TIME I've done a cover reveal for a book of my own. Excuse me while I FREAK OUT JUST A LITTLE BIT. Sure, I've done cover reveals for friends...but guys, it is totally different when you're doing one for your OWN beloved book. *hyperventilates* *faints*

After a looooooong editing process (which was actually my fault, not my editors) and some oooing and ahhhing over various cover ideas from my wonderful cover designer Alea Harper, I finally settled on something that is just too perfect for words. *squeaks and hugs cover* Those of you who sign up will have to promise NOT to let loose the awesomeness of the book cover BEFORE the date given (I know it's going to be hard!) But I will allow you to reply to my email with all the flailing you want! :)

So...are you guys ready for this?? Please, please tell me you are. Because HERE WE GO.


  1. I feel a little silly leaving the first comment...but you may have noticed some technical problems with this post. I THINK I fixed them...but long story short, computers and I don't always mix that well. So if you run into any trouble with the link I provided, please let me know and I'll try to figure out how to help. *cough* No promises on how successful I'll be tough. XD

  2. The link works fine for me, and this is super exciting! I'll talk to my parents and hope that I can participate! Yay, congratulations!

    1. Oh, good! :) I KNOW! *hyperventilates* I hope you can! Thanks! ^_^

  3. WOAH THIS IS SO EXCITING! Congratulations!!!

  4. I signed up! Can't wait to see the cover and be a part of the reveal!!

    1. Yay!!! Awesomeness! ^_^ I'm excited for you to join me! :)

  5. So excited for you, Rebekah! I signed up ;)

    ~ Savannah

  6. Congratulations, Rebekah!!! I can't wait to see what your book cover looks like. :D


I LOVE COMMENTS. But be warned, if your comment is impolite, contains swear words, or is disrespectful of God, I will kill it. Just kidding. ;)
(Seriously WILL DIE.)

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