Thursday, July 23, 2015

Word Dream #9 & #10

Guess how many I have left... }:) I'm gonna start posting two at a time, and then have you pick which one is your favorite of the two.
Btw, the boys in the pictures are my brothers, and the girl is me. Just so you know... :)


  1. They're both great but I like the first one best. :)

  2. Yes, I like the first one too! I would say the same about just two siblings, yes I'm talking about me and my sister! Haha!


I LOVE COMMENTS. But be warned, if your comment is impolite, contains swear words, or is disrespectful of God, I will kill it. Just kidding. ;)
(Seriously WILL DIE.)

Blog Tour for Project Canvas!! *cue intense celebration*

GUYS, I couldn't be more excited to share about this incredible book that is going to be available for you to get your hands on in just ...