Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bible Bee Nationals

Unfortunately, I do not get to go, :( but both my older sisters have placed! :D Sarah actually placed 10th in the entire nation!!
GOOD JOB SARAH AND MARGARET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They will both be heading off to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee in November.  I wish you both a fun time and lot's of experience as you endeavor to learn God's Word. Love you both!! :)

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I LOVE COMMENTS. But be warned, if your comment is impolite, contains swear words, or is disrespectful of God, I will kill it. Just kidding. ;)
(Seriously WILL DIE.)

Blog Tour for Project Canvas!! *cue intense celebration*

GUYS, I couldn't be more excited to share about this incredible book that is going to be available for you to get your hands on in just ...