Saturday, August 8, 2015

My Bookshelf

I saw Emily do this on her blog, and I thought it looked like a lot of fun. I love my bookshelf(s), and I'd love to give you a sneak peek into my collection. :) So, without further ado, here are Emily's questions and my answers!

Describe your bookshelf (or wherever it is you keep your books- it doesn’t have to be a shelf) and where you got it from:
I had a special shelf given to me, but I now have too many books to squeeze in there, and I now have an overlap shelf that I hope to fill up eventually. :) So many books... so little space. *sigh*
Here's my first shelf (the bottom shelf is mine):
And here's the overlap shelf:

Do you have any special or different way of organizing your books?
I organize them by height. Why? Dunno. Easier to find books that way... besides, it looks cool that way. :)

What's the thickest (most amount of pages) book on your shelf?
That guy there: Folk Tales from Great Britain-Legends III. A whooping 1,751 pages.

What's the thinnest (least amount of pages) book on your shelf?
"Grace Raymond". This little one has a total of 62 pages. That's a 1,689 page difference with the thickest book. Here's a picture of the two, right next to each other... just for fun. ;)
Is there a book you received as a birthday gift?
A couple actually. "The Black Stallion" and "The Black Stallion Returns" from my Aunty Sarah, and "The Little Princess" from my dad. That one especially is a special book to me, because it was the first book I could actually call my own. Here's a picture of the front:

What's the smallest (height and width wise) book on your shelf?
"The Story of Miss Moppet" by Beatrix Potter. It's only five inches high, and about 3 1/2 inches wide. But a really cute story. :)
What's the biggest (height and width wise) book on your shelf?
Well, actually, my tallest books are a series, but they're really skinny. However, here's a picture of the beginning of my bookshelf, the tall end. :)

Is there a book from a friend on your shelf?
Oh my... where do I begin? About half my books were  given to me by either parents or other family, and the other half I bought myself. Here's a picture of the ones people gave me.

Most expensive book?
Without question... The complete set of "Folk Tales of Britain" (both Legends and Narratives) by Kathrine M. Briggs. They cost about $100 for the whole thing. Yeah, it was a set I wanted though. :) Fantastic reading if you want my opinion. I gleaned a lot of information by reading them.
The last book you read on your shelf?
"Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card. However, not a book I would recommend. I actually liked the movie better. In the book there was a lot of rude humor, which I hate. :( It was an interesting book, but I wish that they could have cut out all the unnecessary rudeness.

Of all the books on your shelf, which was the first you read?
"A Little Princess". And I've read it over and over and over after that. :)
Do you have more than one copy of a book?
Nope. (That was easy. :P)
Do you have the complete series of any book series?
Yes. I actually have several complete series. Here they are:

What's the newest addition to your shelf?
Again, "Ender's Game". I got it at our library for reading ten hours this summer. A ridiculously easy feat for me, an avid reader. But hey, you get a free book! That's pretty awesome, right?
What book has been on your shelf FOREVER?
"A Little Princess". Like I said, it was the first book I owned, and therefore the first to make it onto my shelf. :)

What's the most recently published book on your shelf?
"The Book of Medieval Puzzles". It was published in 2013. (I'm not counting my own book, "The Silver Flower" which was just published this year. :)
The oldest book on your shelf (as in, the actual copy is old)?
"All About Horses" by Margarite Henry. It was published in 1962.

A book you won?
I won "Circle C Stories" by getting second place in a contest, and then the other books in the picture below by reading ten hours each summer and getting a free book from our library. (A huge score for me!) :P

A book you'd hate to let out of your sight (aka a book you never let someone borrow)?
"A Little Princess". That book's specialness to me knows no bounds. :)

Most beat up book?
My "Oliver Twist" copy. I bought it at a thrift store, so even though I have only read it once, it was already beat up. But it only cost like 50 cents or something like that.

Most pristine book?
"A Book of Medieval Puzzles". I bought it brand new at Barnes & Noble, and it has stayed in perfect condition since. :)

A book from your childhood?
"A Little Princess" and "Beautiful Girlhood" as well as the series of tracking books. All given to me on my tenth birthday. :)

A book that's not actually your book?
All my books on my shelf are mine. :) And yes, I'm kind of proud about that... ;P

A book with a special/different cover (e.g. leather bound, soft fuzzy cover etc.)?
"Folk Tales of Britain" and "A Little Princess" are clothbound books.

A book that is your favorite color?
One of my more boring books, "Making Music & Enriching Lives" is a guidebook for music teachers. And since I have a few music students, mom thought it would be best for me to read about how to teach properly. However, the cover is a really awesome color of blue and a smidge of purple. Both favorite colors of mine. :)

Book that's been on your shelf the longest that you STILL haven't read?
"Beautiful Girlhood". Mom gave this book to me when I turned 10... but I still haven't read it. *gives a sheepish grin* I probably should...

Any signed books?
The "Circle C Adventures" and "Circle C Stories" by Mrs. Marlow. Sadly, I wasn't there to watch her sign them. :( But, on a brighter note, I hope to see her soon! :)

So, I hope you enjoyed that look into my bookshelf. If you would like to do this as well, go ahead and answer the questions I answered. I'll have fun seeing your books as well! :D
God bless! :)


  1. Loved your post! It was fun! :D You have a lot of cool books. I may steal some from you... ;) Thanks for posting!

  2. Hey, I think I recognize some of the books on the top two shelves Rebekah...oh yeah. Those are my books. Since you've already taken the picture for me, maybe I'll write a blog post about my books.
    Oh, by the way, I know why you organize your books by height order. Because that's how *I* organize all our books. Why? I guess you'll find out when I make my own post.

  3. you have some really nice books, and a free one for reading only 10 hours! lucky you.

    1. Thank you! And welcome to my blog! It's nice to see a new face every once in awhile. :) Yes, I love getting books from my library. There's usually a few good ones in amongst the modern trash. ;)

  4. Such a fun post. It's tempting to do this too, but I have too many books and shelves to make it very easy. :) And since I have several hundred books, well, . . . I think you realize how long it might take me to find the oldest and the newest, the largest and smallest, my favorite, ones I haven't read, etc.

  5. Loved seeing all your books, Rebekah! :)
    I've read the Kathleen Mckenzie ones (and I'll admit I cried in the last one....when the barn sad).
    I LOVE Anne Shirley. :) She's quite the charming character. Have you saw the movies?
    I also have 'Beautiful Girlhood', my grandmother gave it to me. But I haven't read it either. ;)
    Is that 'The Princess Adelina' I'm seeing?!?! I have that one but haven't read it. Have you? Is it good? :)

    Loved this post!


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