Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 11th: Day Ten of the Ethiopia Trip

This Morning, after a delicious meal at the Brant's, (again), we loaded up both vehicles. We were taking some of the Bible Students, so this was necessary. We were going up the mountain to a church and soon to be built school house for the Muslims. A service was going to be held there, but out side of the church, because the crowd was to big to fit in the church. 
See what I mean by to large to fit in the church?
Dad spoke on the sower and the seeds parable, and how all the different soils represented different types of people. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, before the service began, Daniel Hageman got out his American football, and started tossing it around with Dad. A couple of the Bible Students joined in, and we found out some interesting facts. Mulu Zeleke, my grandma's prayer partner, is a really good aim with throwing! He caught on almost right away! Mikyas Degu, Daniel Hageman's older brother's prayer partner, is better at catching, which was fun to watch. 
American Football: It drew a crowd!

Dad, with a crowd of kids waiting to get the football for him.
There was a crowd of little kids that stood behind Dad, and whenever he missed a catch, they would run and get it for him. One little girl was holding a baby on her back, and that baby was so cute!
Isn't the baby cute?

Daniel asked if he could hold it first, but after he held it, I wanted to, so he handed the baby to me. I got some pictures of all of this, so you'll see what I mean by adorable.
Tomorrow we go back to Addis Ababa, so I'd better get some sleep. I'm going to miss Ethiopia so much. I've really grown to love the people here. Maybe someday I'll come back. I hope I can! Goodnight.

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