Friday, May 24, 2013

May 13th: Day Twelve of the Ethiopia Trip

This morning started with breakfast, as usual, and immediately afterword, shopping for souvenirs (not as usual). We got a lot of stuff, but I don't have time to write down all that we got for who... after all, I have nine siblings, so you must realize how time consuming it would be to wright all those items down! :) Thankfully, Dad and I both love to shop, so we thoroughly enjoyed our time together picking out all the just right gifts for our family.
After the shopping, we headed back to the Brant's Addis Ababa house. On the way there, we met an auld acquaintance of the Brant's , whose name was Aba. I didn't know him, but it turned out that he was a major part of the team last time we sent a group from our church.
We met an Auld Acquaintance: Aba
We had a hurried lunch, packed our various bags into the car, and sped off to the airport. Aba was a gift sent straight from God, because without him, we probably would have missed our plane, with all the traffic and other stuff. But Aba was a taxi driver, so he knew all the back roads that led to the airport, so we weren't stuck in traffic for hours, and we did get to our plane on time, despite everything.

The five hour plane flight seemed like nothing, when compared to the fourteen hour flight from Seattle to Dubai the first day! We did arrive safely, and found our hotel with little or no difficulty. We got ourselves situated, and headed downstairs to have a 10:00 pm dinner. (Which was delicious by the way). When dinner was finished, Dad and I went back to our room, Dad to get some much needed sleep, and me, to take a long, hot bath (also much needed!), and then I went to bed too. I'll keep this short tonight, but I may fill you in on more during the fourteen hour flight. Yikes! I hope I can sleep through most of it! Good night.

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