Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cereal Is Dangerous!!

This is a short story based on an actual event that happened right in our house. Let me know what you think of it! ;)

William poured himself a bowl of cereal for his breakfast. To keep his mind occupied during his meal, he curiously began reading the list of things that went into his food he was eating.
Half-way down the box, his eyes widened and he suddenly yelped, "Watch out guys, this cereal has IRON in it!!" to his other siblings around him.
"Relax William," his older sister Sarah corrected. "There's only little bits in it."
"Yeah, it's not like you're going to accidently swallow an iron anvil," his brother David joked.
William was skeptical, but tried to obey his sister and relax while continuing to read. It wasn't long before he jumped in his seat, startled into another exclamation. "Hey! It says 'acid'! Acid is POISONOUS!!!"
Then, after a short, stunned silence, he yelled out: "PHOSOSAURUS????? Guys, there's a DINOSAUR in here!"

For the record, he did actually read "iron". However, he failed to read that the other two items were "folic acid" and "phosphorus" both safe to eat. ;)
Hope you enjoyed this little look into our life. Can you tell we're a reading family? B-)
God bless!


  1. Wow, William is so funny! This is a great story. <3

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. :) Thanks for commenting!

  2. This made me smile. ;) We've had a few instances like this in our family as well!

  3. Hahaha, that's hilarious!! :D I can totally see something like that happening around here. And we read cereal boxes, etc. too. ;)
    Thanks for sharing, Rebekah!!

    1. Yes. Our family also enjoys reading the ingredients in shampoos, conditioners, trail mix, and store-bought bread. Among many other things. ;)
      You're welcome! :)

  4. "Based on a true story"? Those kinds of titles make me uncertain as to the amount of truth it really contains...:) Especially liked the "phososaurus." Who knew dinosaurs were still being found for cereal!

    1. Well, me not being William, I can hardly know what exactly is going on in his head...but as his sibling I have a pretty good idea. ;) Hence the italicized words. :)

  5. Haha. I can definitely imagine William doing that. :)

  6. That's pretty funny. :)

    I tagged you for the the Spectacular Book Tag. If you would like to participate here is the link:

    1. Thanks! I thought so too... ;)
      Cool! I'll definitely have to do it! Just a warning, it might take a while for the post to show up... I'm a little busy currently. :) I'm sure you know how that happens during the school year. ;)


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(Seriously WILL DIE.)

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