Tuesday, October 18, 2016

21 Answers to the Question "Why Aren't You in School?"

As the school year begins in earnest, I have had that question asked of me at least ten times. And each time it gets a little more annoying and irritating. So, for all you other homeschooled kids out there, I complied a list of answers that you are free to use at any time and should work in any situation. (You may NOT hold me responsible for any reactions that may be the result of these answers, however.) 

Sit back and enjoy these 21 answers to the question "Why aren't you in school?"

1: Immediately begin hacking and coughing with a few sneezes and sniffles for good measure before replying weakly, "Sick day."

2: "We're going on a field trip!! We're going on a field trip!!"

3: "School? What's school? Where am I? Why is your skin 

4: Carefully avoid eye contact with person who asked the question and walk quickly in opposite direction.

5: "Why aren't YOU in school?"

6: "I graduated last year. From college."

7: "Uh... Oh, look! A SQUIRREL!"

8: "Been there, done that."

9: "I need milk for tomorrow's breakfast, not fourteen hours spent trying to solve somebody else's problems. Priorities people."

10: "Our school was accidentally maliciously destroyed."

11: "Oh, that reminds me..." *changes topic to weather/sports/politics*

12: "Wasn't really in a school MOOD today, ya know?"

13: "Have you ever tried to put out a burning building, save the world, AND go to school everyday? Me neither, but I bet it's not easy."


15: Pretend your mom called and apologize for having to take the call.

16: "You know what? I've wondered that myself sometimes. Deep stuff, bro."

17: No matter which day of the week "Why would I be in school? It's Saturday."

18: "I actually just remembered something I need to do. Like right now. Nice chatting with you, but I gotta go. See you later!"

19: Stare at person until they break eye contact, then walk away shaking your head and muttering something about them being crazy.

20: Motion to ear, then to mouth while mouthing "Can't hear you, can't speak."

21: "I'm homeschooled." Then give half-hour explanation on what that means.

Any of those helpful? Do you have a personal favorite? Think these will come in handy? If you ever DO use one of these, let me know and tell me what the reaction was. ;P Now I'm curious. ;)


  1. These were so much fun to read through, Rebekah! :) Thanks for sharing. I've gotten asked that question a lot over the years too. ;)

    1. Pretty sure EVERY Homeschooler dreads getting asked this question. XD So glad you enjoyed! ;)

  2. Hahaha! Loved it! xD Now I really want to use some of these the next time I get asked that question...if I dare...xD

    ~Lydia~ <3

    1. Tell me what they say back to you...if anything. ;)

  3. "Been there, done that."

    oh my gosh I WISH I had enough courage to respond to "why aren't you in school" with that. SO MUCH SASS. SO MUCH HILARITY.

    This was awesome to read. :D

    // katie grace
    a writer's faith

    1. XD Thanks for stopping by! Glad I brought a smile to your lips. ;)

  4. THESE ARE AMAZING!!! I love "Why aren't YOU in school?" Hahahaha XD you're awesome Rebekah

  5. I love these! Thanks so much for sharing your hilarious creativity, Rebecca. :) I love #16 and #17.
    "Why should I be? It's Saturday." :D

    1. Yay! Thank you for dropping by and enjoying it! ;)

  6. Bahahaha, this is genius. XD I totally want to do some these now...namely 6, 9, 10, and 17. And then I *have did* 1, 2, and of course 21...and I have actually encountered people who didn't even know what homeschooling was. Like, what planet DID you legit come from?!

    Great post. I loooove it. ;)

    1. Seriously? Gosh, I bet THEIR skin really WAS blue! :) Glad you enjoyed. ;)

  7. Ooooo...I just thought of #22.... "School, ya say? Ain't nobody got time for that." XD

    1. Oo...good one. My younger brother suggested bribery. "I'll give you this five dollar bill if you promise to tell no one I'm not in school..." XD There's a few good comebacks out there I didn't mention. ;)

  8. "I graduated last year. From college."

    Such is the fate of those of us homeschoolers who graduate early thanks to accelerated learning programs - and who also don't necessarily look their age. Sorry, ma'am, I'm over sixteen... over nineteen for that matter... true story. xD

    1. YAS YAS YAS. XD Thanks for the comment Esther

  9. Haha love those! I usually respond with saying "last name" school, and they think I say boarding school. :) it's pretty entertaining.

    1. Haha...yeah, our "school name" is House of David Homeschool. Doesn't THAT make us sound sophisticated. XD

  10. Get asked this over . . . and over . . . and over! I have a variety of answers, but for the most part just boring number 21. :) I love all of these! (Especially 17!)

    1. Ikr?? It gets pretty annoying. Which is why we homeschoolers make up things like this to bring it to a less annoying level. Cause now, y'all WANT someone to ask you the question so you can throw one of these at their faces, right? ;)

  11. I say #2. All the time. Though haven't had to reply with any of these for a while... the past few years I haven't been asked "why aren't you in school" but rather "why isn't your child in school?" *clears throat*. It's my little sibling. Normally, now, though, I just say "Oh, we homeschool." I'm am NOT going to explain the age differences etc. If they want to think I look young to have 5 kids, they can go right ahead. ;P I've also done variances of #15, #7, #8, #11, and #12. And of course, #21 is the most used. On the plane flight back from WA, I sat next to an elderly lady who had never heard of homeschooling. She was sooo funny to talk to, and I had a fun time explainin' everything in detail. She also thought Wichita (yes, our city) was Catholic. ;P
    Here's another one you can use.
    "Why are you not in school?"
    "Oh, school? *smiles patiently* I'm a published author." THAT gives you looks, let me tell ya!
    Thanks for the wonderful post, Rebekah! I LOVED it! :D

  12. :D Now do a post one elevator prank please.

  13. *dies laughing* *then revives 'cause i have to comment* :P GENIUS MISS. ABSOLUTE GENIUS. To be honest, I tend to do the last one because my brain's wired to automatically answer that... Blame my parents xD

    1. Thank you, thank you. *sweeping bow* I try my best. ;)
      Yeah, me too...but the other ones get better reactions. Just saying. ;)


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