Monday, December 19, 2016

Six Geese A-Laying: A Washington Winter

For those of you who DON'T know, where we live it doesn't really snow. In fact, most our Christmases are wet...and more green and gray than white. Sometimes, we get snow though, and here are a few pictures from THIS year's snowfall that we were thrilled to have.

(Special thanks to my cousins: Oliver, Colin, Jubileena, and Graham and my siblings who were nice enough to smile for me. ;)

Yeah, it actually SNOWED. *gasp*
Oliver and Graham waiting for the go-ahead to sled
down our decent sledding hill.

I think our van is trying to be a white ninja...or something.
Not that it worked. ;)

Marta and Jubileena say "cheese" right
before going down our hill.

Yep, Colin can sled down our hill standing up.
It's better than I could do. And there's a ten year difference between us! :O

David and Jubileena...

A true country snowfall. (Check out our awesome sign!! :D)
Sledding actually worked this year...unlike last year,
when the only snowfall we had was a sprinkling over the grass.

Playing that they're reindeer...and Graham is Santa Clause? Funny how the smallest
person ends up acting as the fat, jolly gift bringer! XD

No snowfall is complete without building a snowman or two! :)

The beautifulness...*sighs*

Have you guys had snow yet? Does it even snow where you live? How many inches did you get if it DID snow? Do you usually get a white Christmas, or are yours more like ours where its just normal weather?

(SIX DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!! We're half-way there guys!!)


  1. Oh, so fun! It depends Sometimes we get a white Christmas, sometimes we don't! More often then not it's just cold and gray xD And yes, we got snow!!! 3 inches on Saturday!!! :D AND IT'S SUPPOSED TO SNOW ON CHRISTMAS EVE!!! *squeals*

    1. Awesome!! So glad that snow you wanted FINALLY came down. XD Hope you get that white Christmas. *now has that song stuck in my head*

  2. So pretty!! I honestly haven't seen actual snow in person in... Six years... We got a little bit a couple years ago, but it was kind of mixed with sleet and rain and didn't stick. :( But I love snow so much! Before we moved, we got it nearly every year!
    Lovely pictures, by the way! ;)

    1. :O *feels sad* Snow can be both fun and an inconvenience depending on how thick it is and how long it stays...but thankfully in our area it rarely stays longer then a few days so it doesn't bother me as much as some people. ;)

  3. Wish we had a white Christmas... :(

  4. Wow so cool! (pun intended) that looks like a lot of fun! no it doesn't snow here (wish it did) it's to warm even at it's coldest for snow. But it sure looks nice over there! i love the look of trees/woods with fresh snow on it.

    1. XD Yes, the evergreen trees do add so much to our snowy days. ^_^

  5. That is so fun that you guys have snow! We do too! :D
    Thanks for sharing all of the pictures. :) Sledding is so much fun!

    1. Yay! I was getting depressed with all the warm weather comments. ;) Have fun with it!! :D That's totally an order. :P
      You're welcome! Yes it is!! (Cold for sure...but the hot cocoa afterwards makes the numb fingers worth it. ;)

    2. Thanks, I will! You have fun with it too. :D

  6. Fun! Looks like you all had a wonderful time in the snow!

    We actually woke up to 2 1/2-3" of snow this morning down here where we live!
    It snowed the middle of last week down in Portland but missed us, but we got a wonderful surprise this morning!
    No sledding hill here, but we made a cute snowman. :)

    1. Yes we did!! ^_^

      Oh, happiness! Snowmen are ALMOST as good as sledding...especially if you name them Olaf. ;)

  7. We have a little bit of snow. Not much. It doesn't even cover all the grass, but it is pretty. Usually our Christmas Days are drab and brown. I'm sure we've had a white Christmas, but I don't remember when. :)

  8. Hooray for snow! Fun pictures, Rebekah :) We sometimes have a white Christmas, but we usually get most of our snowy weather in January/February. :D

    1. Thank you! That's interesting! We don't usually get snow past December, but there have been a couple weird times when it's snowed in spring...even once it snowed ON EASTER. :O Yeah, that was odd. ;)

  9. SNOW!! Hurray! :D Hehe, we have a few FEET of snow here; so yeahhhh..... we have snow ;) We usually have white Christmases, only rarely does it not snow

    1. You are so some ways. And yet, it probably gets a bit inconvenient doesn't it? ;)

  10. We got quite a dumping of it over the weekend, but it's all melting now. We're supposed to get rain on Christmas. :(

    1. Sounds like your Christmas weather and our Christmas weather is going to be the same. ;)


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